What to Consider When Implementing A Fire Monitoring Service
by Brothers Fire & Security | Sep 26, 2023 | Fire System, Monitoring, Alarm | 0 comments
You’re looking to implement a new fire monitoring service or upgrade your existing one, how do you know what factors to consider? The features you need will depend on the type of building or buildings your business has and how they’re used. A one-size-fits-all approach won’t cover your needs, so you’ll need a service that meets your business’ specific requirements in order to create an effective, code-compliant protection system.
Here are a few specifics about your business to discuss and consider when you’re implementing or upgrading fire monitoring services.
Building size
A large, multifloor building will have different fire protection needs than a relatively small, one-story structure. The size and configuration of your building affects whether you need a fire monitoring service that identifies the zone in which the fire occurs or one that identifies its precise location. The larger the building, the more likely it is that you’ll need to pinpoint a fire’s exact location. Elements to consider include the number of floors your building has, its square footage, whether you have multiple buildings to cover, and which areas of your building are occupied.
Is your building located in a remote area or in an area that’s easy for emergency personnel to quickly access? How close is the nearest fire department or other emergency services that are staffed 24 hours a day? Is your building in an area covered by MESH technology, which allows devices to transmit alarm signals and data without physical wiring connections? These considerations will help determine the fire protection services you need and, in the case of MESH technology, how easy it will be to retrofit an existing building that may be difficult to rewire.
Each type of industry has its own needs and code requirements when it comes to fire protection services. Are you in an industry that depends on highly occupied buildings, such as apartment buildings, nursing homes, or daycares, and are some of your occupants especially vulnerable due to their age or physical limitations? Or does your building have a low occupancy level, and you mainly use it to store inventory? Do you routinely store fire hazards such as flammable and combustible chemicals and materials that are necessary for your industry?
Building Features
Your building’s structural elements—including flooring, roofing, and support systems—can affect how a fire spreads. For example, carpeting and padding can act as a significant fuel source while having a high heat of combustion compared to wooden floors. And void spaces such as attics or subfloors can allow fires to spread quickly along these paths. Your interior finish, HVAC system, and open spaces can also affect how a fire spreads and thus will help determine your fire monitoring service needs. If you’re adding to your existing buildings or just starting a new business, meeting with a fire monitoring service company can help you consider building features that may increase your business’s level of fire safety.
Engineers at Brothers Fire & Security can design and install fire monitoring services that meet your Minnesota business’s needs and budget. Call us today at 763-441-2290, or schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.
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